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An opinionated but faster modern alternative to tsdx and microbundle

An opinionated but faster modern alternative to tsdx and microbundle

yarn global add quickts
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⚡️ QuickTS

Who is the package author? … Shivam Mishra

What's your email? This will be public … quickts@example.com

What version is this package on? … 1.0.0

Select optional features › DeepSource - Code Quality, Github Actions - CI

Select a License › MIT license

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Zero config, productivity focused

Fastest Possible Toolchain

QuickTS uses ESBuild under the hood, ensuring lightning fast dev builds

DeepSource for Code Quality

DeepSource helps you write clean code on every pull-request.

Github Actions for testing and publishing

Preset Action for you to test and publish instantly.

API Docs using TypeDoc

Automatically convert comments in TypeScript source code into rendered HTML documentation.

Optional CSS Bundling

Optionally enable CSS bundling for UI libraries

And much more

QuickTS bootstraps your project with Jest for testing, Prettier and ESLint for maintaing consistent style.

Try QuickTS on the command line

yarn global add quickts OR
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Built by @scmmishra, Website by @gajjar_devansh

Built at DeepSource